Thursday, March 19, 2015

What led to Sectionalism in the United States.

Complete the Urbanization Study

Look at each link to help you answer questions about urbanization in the Northern States. 

Urbanization Questions Link  - use the links to help you answer these questions.

Urban 1a (link 1), Urban 1b (link 2)
Urban 2
Urban 3
Urban 4a (link 1) , Urban 4b (link 2)
Urban 5
Urban 6
Urban 7

Preview these videos and read the link provided below.

Video 1 - Regional Differences in the United States (1820-1860)

Video 2 - Sectionalism - South 

Video 3 - Sectionalism - North

Video 4 - Focus on the end of the video when she mentions views on the role Government.

Read - North Vs. South (Political, Economic, Geographical, Social differences).

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