Friday, March 13, 2015

Industrial Revolution Inventions

The Industrial Revolution resulted in the most profound, far-reaching changes in the history of humanity. And its influence continues to sweep through our lives today. The last 250 years of industrialization have altered our lives more than any event or development in the past 12,000 years: in where we live, how we work, what we wear, what we eat, what we do for fun, how we are educated, how long we live and how many children we have. The Industrial Revolution provided the countries that first adopted it with the technological and economic advantages necessary to eventually rule most of the world. In short, the Industrial Revolution is the “game changer” of modern world history. More than anything else, it’s what makes the modern world, well, “modern.” We are going to look at the Industrial Revolution inventions and their impact on the United States. 

Click this link for the invention poster directions.

Click this link for a Google Drawing Poster Example

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