Monday, September 28, 2015

Lesson 2 - European Exploration and Settlement. (9/28-10/2)

We have moved into lesson 2 for our first unit titled, "Our Colonial Heritage." Lesson 2 asks the question, "How did Europeans explore and establish settlements in North America?" 

Everyone in class has a hard copy of the interactive notebook, as well as the online version. 
You can access the hard copy by clicking right here.

9/28 - Today we answered the question: 

If you were looking for a place to establish a new community, what factors would you consider? Using this list and any other ideas you have, rank the factors from most important to least important. Then write a paragraph explaining your choice for the most and least important factors. 

• fresh water source 
• fertile land 
• friendly neighbors 
• mild climate 
• near a river or ocean 
• near a forest 
• an area suitable for defense or spotting enemies 

9/29 - We read section 2 and discussed how Spain claimed territories and established settlements.

9/30 - We discussed Spanish Mission Settlements, and read section 3.

For any QOD's - visit Google Classroom.

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