Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lewis and Clark - Classroom Map Project

Project Requirements

Our Lewis and Clark Google Expedition Project will focus on the journey of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark across the American West. Lewis and Clark were chosen by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the land that was bought from France during the Louisiana Purchase; this area at the time was called the "Louisiana Territory". Their main goal was to discover a water route that connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in order to encourage American westward expansion. One of their other goals was to document the unknown peoples, geography, plants and animals of the western United States

For this project, you will be responsible for 3 major assignments.

1. Research Assignment (15 points) - You will answer the required questions using links on my blog, a video, or your own research.  When you are finished, bring this assignment to me. I will give you a number (1-22) for the Google Maps Assignment. 

2. Google Maps Assignment (10 points) - You will be given a specific place (number 1-22) on Lewis and Clark's Expedition to learn about. Click here for the link then click on your number. You will research many aspects of that stop on the journey including what Lewis and Clark wrote about in their journals, plants, animals and other things they discovered, people they met and other important information on that place. Students will also add images that relate to the place they researched. 

3. Adding your information to the Google Maps Engine (25 points) - You will take your information from the Google Maps Assignment, click the correct class link for the Google Maps Engine. Add a marker to the map of the exact location you were given to research. Using your Google Maps Assignment information, type a paragraph (5 sentences) about Lewis and Clark's findings at the location. Add 2 pictures that represent the location. After everyone in the class has added their piece on the map, we will connect all the places on the map to form the path that Lewis and Clark took on their historical journey.

Period 5 Map Link - You must sign in with your NREVSD account.
Period 6 Map Link - You must sign in with your NREVSD account.

Due Date - At the end of class, Thursday, April 9th


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