Tuesday, February 24, 2015

War of 1812 - Political Cartoon Lesson

     After the Louisiana Purchase, Britain and France continued seizing American ships. Only Great Britain, however, continued the impressment of American sailors. In response, Thomas Jefferson passed the Embargo Act of 1807. This embargo restricted trade with ALL countries throughout the world. In theory, this was supposed to hurt Great Britain and France in an attempt to have them stop seizing our ships. In reality, this hurt the American economy and increased illegal smuggling. 
     With a bad economy, and 2 terms complete, Thomas Jefferson followed in the footsteps of George Washington and retired. In 1809, James Madison took over and repealed the Embargo Act. Instead, he signed the Non-Intercourse Act which only restricted trade with Great Britain and France. Over time, France finally decided to stop seizing our ships. However, Great Britain still impressed our sailors and were aiding Native Americans in the western United States with guns. 


Analyze each cartoon, as you fill out the chart provided to you. Zoom in and READ ALL CAPTIONS as they will help you understand the content.


  • Analyze a primary source to help you explain the causes of the War of 1812.
  • Analyze a primary source to help you explain the results of the War of 1812.
Essential Questions:
  • What were the causes of the War of 1812?
  • What was one way that the War of 1812 promoted national pride and a national identity?   


  1. "Columbia Teaching John Bull a Lesson" - 1813
  2. "A Scene on the Frontiers as Practiced by the "Humane" British and Their "Worthy" Allies." - 1812
  3. “A boxing match, or another bloody nose for John Bull" - 1813
  4. "Peace of Ghent 1814 and Triumph of America" - 1815


  1. I would like to use this classroom activity with my students. Could you please share the chart you used with your students? Thanks for your consideration!

  2. I would like to use this classroom activity with my students. Could you please share the chart you used with your students? Thanks for your consideration!

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    Thank you
