Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jefferson vs. Washington

Today we are looking at Shay's Rebellion...............

Read this first - Click Here for Background Information on Shay's Rebellion.

Answer these questions
1. Describe what caused Shay's Rebellion. 
2. According to the textbook, what did Shay's Rebellion cause people to argue in favor of?
3. Think about the Articles of Confederation. How did Shay's Rebellion show the Articles as a weak form of government?

Read this second - George Washington Letter to James Madison.

Answer these questions:
4. What does Washington fear will happen as a result of Shay's Rebellion?
5. Does Washington favor a strong national government or a weaker national government? Use evidence from the letter to support your answer.

Read this third - Thomas Jefferson Letter.

Answer these questions:
6. Does Jefferson favor a strong national government or a weaker national government? Use evidence from the letter to support your answer.
7.What does Jefferson mean when he says, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?”
8.Why would the idea of poor farmers rebelling be scary to
many of the people at the Constitutional Convention?
9. How does this document challenge the information you read in the textbook?

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