Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chapter Audio Resource Files

They are starting Chapter 18 (Astronomy) in Science with Mr. Smiddy.
Below are the links for the chapter files:

Smiddy Chapter 18 Section 1
Smiddy Chapter 18 Section 2
Smiddy Science Chapter 18 Section 3

In Language Arts, they are close to finishing up The Outsiders.
Below is Part 5 to listen:

The Outsiders - Part 5

In Mrs. Grippa's Science Class, they are beginning Plate Tectonics.
Below are links to the Chapter 7 Sections:

Chapter 7 Section 1
Chapter 7 Section 2
Chapter 7 Section 3
Chapter 7 Section 4

In Mrs. Liming's Social Studies class, they are starting on the Age of Exploration.
Below are links for Chapter 2's Exploration Sections:
Chapter 2 - Section 1 - Age of Exploration
Chapter 2 - Section 2 - Spain's Empires
Chapter 2 - Sections 3 and 4 - France and the Netherlands


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