Friday, November 13, 2015

11/12 - 11/23 - Road to the Revolution

In class we are working through lesson 5 entitled, "Toward Independence." This lesson discusses the events that occurred to push colonists towards independence from Great Britain. Through lesson 5, we will read and answer questions from sections 3 through 8. We will discuss the information in these sections. Furthermore, we will have outside lessons from Reading Like A Historian to enhance this information.

The assessment for lesson 5 involves a Project Choice Board. Below is a link to the board along with the directions and rubrics:

Project Choice Board Directions

If you are doing the "Fakebook" Page here is the link. Click the link, then click file, and click "make a copy" that you can edit yourself.

Fakebook Link

Schedule for Lesson 5:

Thursday, November 12 - Sections 3 and 4.
Friday, November 13 - Sections 5 and 6. - HW - Complete Sections 5-6 for Monday.
Monday, November 16 - Go over Sections 3-6, Work on Project.
Tuesday, November 17 - Section 7, Work on Project.
Wednesday, November 18 - Work on project.
Thursday, November 19 - Battle at Lexington. Project 1 should be completed.
Friday, November 20 - Work on Projects.
Monday, November 23 - Projects due.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11/9/2015 - 11/12/2015 - Colonial Wars

Lesson 5 - Toward Independence.
Lesson 6 - Declaration of Independence.
Lesson 7 - Revolutionary War.

In this unit we are exploring the causes of the American Revolution. The Peace of Paris (February 10, 1763) marked a glorious moment in the history of the British Empire. France surrendered Canada, ending more than a century of warfare in North America. At the time, no one seriously thought that the conclusion of the French and Indian War (1754–1763) would lead in little more than a decade to the creation of an independent state. 

Essential Questions:

1. When is it necessary for citizens to rebel against their government?
2. What are the causes and effects of the French and Indian War?
3. What are the causes of the American Revolution?
4. What principles of government are expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
5. How was the Continental Army able to win the

To begin Lesson 5 - We are exploring the Colonial Wars that occurred between 1689-1763. Click the link Below to access the information.

Monday, October 26, 2015

10/26/2015 - 10/30/2015 - Lesson 4 - Life In The Colonies

In Lesson 4, "Life in the Colonies," we are answering the essential question:

How did the colonies evolve into a different society from England?

In this lesson, students will explore these guiding questions:

1. What influenced the colonists' ideas on government and rights?
2. How did African slaves contribute to the development of America?
3. How did the Great Awakening affect the colonies?

Here are links that relate the guiding questions listed above:

Rights: Rights Foldable
Slavery: Video Link

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lesson 2 - European Exploration and Settlement. (9/28-10/2)

We have moved into lesson 2 for our first unit titled, "Our Colonial Heritage." Lesson 2 asks the question, "How did Europeans explore and establish settlements in North America?" 

Everyone in class has a hard copy of the interactive notebook, as well as the online version. 
You can access the hard copy by clicking right here.

9/28 - Today we answered the question: 

If you were looking for a place to establish a new community, what factors would you consider? Using this list and any other ideas you have, rank the factors from most important to least important. Then write a paragraph explaining your choice for the most and least important factors. 

• fresh water source 
• fertile land 
• friendly neighbors 
• mild climate 
• near a river or ocean 
• near a forest 
• an area suitable for defense or spotting enemies 

9/29 - We read section 2 and discussed how Spain claimed territories and established settlements.

9/30 - We discussed Spanish Mission Settlements, and read section 3.

For any QOD's - visit Google Classroom.